Easter is the most important annual Christian holiday, commemorating the fundamental event of Christianity, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God for all Christians, on the third day after His Good Friday crucifixion.
For Christians, the painting of eggs is reminiscent of the sacrifice of the Savior Jesus Christ on Golgotha. The practice of painting eggs in red is based on the legend passed down from the dawn of Christianity, by word of mouth, from generation to generation. This speaks of the fact that the Mother of Jesus, coming to Golgotha to mourn her crucified Son, placed under the cross a basket of eggs that had reddened from the blood of Jesus.
If in the beginning eggs were painted red symbolizing the blood of Jesus Christ, now other colors are used with symbolic charge, such as blue that leads to the infinity of heaven, the universe and implicitly to eternal life, green that symbolizes the return of nature to life, and yellow is the color of abundance, harvest, ripe wheat and bread.
On Easter Day, people strike eggs, saying “Christ is risen!”, Which is answered with “True is risen!”. In some areas, especially in villages, it is said that those who clash eggs will see each other in the afterlife.
The right to strike eggs first belongs to the man and the oldest, while the woman and the youngest must keep the egg in order to be struck. The beaten egg must be given to the one who broke it.
For the Easter Feast, housewives prepare other traditional dishes: ”pasca”, ”cozonac”, ”drob” and lamb steak.
The tradition is that 40 days after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, when His Ascension takes place, they are painted again, especially in red.
Over time, the tradition of painting eggs has become an art in all regions of Romania. The technique of decorating the eggs is that of natural beeswax. It is a process that requires care and many steps. The wax and paint layers should cool well. The symbols used to decorate the eggs can be geometric shapes, solar, earth, cross and other symbols.
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