The Lynx, of the Eurasian Lynx species (Lynx Lynx), is a medium-sized feline and the largest of the four existing lynx variations. It is the third most active predator in Romania, after the brown bear and the wolf.
The lynx has a rather short body, long and strong legs, and its feet are large and padded, well-adapted to walking in the snow. It has a short tail, usually with a black tip. The pointed ears also have a characteristic black, prominent tip. Lynxes have sharp, retractable claws. During summer, their fur is short and either light brown of red-brown, while during winter it grows longer and softer, and changes color to silver-gray or brown-gray. Right under its neck, the lynx displays a less visible bow-tie like, black pattern. All over the body, the fur is spotted with black, the number and the disposition of the spots being specific to each individual. Some lynxes display dark brown stripes on their forehead and back. All lynxes have white fur on their neck, chest, and inner side of the legs.
The lynx is a carnivore, predator, and territorial animal. Their habitat consists of hill or mountain forests, hardly accessible, and rich in game. Lynxes are great climbers but usually hunt on the ground. They hunt down either large or small animals like deer, rabbits and birds. Lynxes do not accept foxes or wild cats alongside and drive them away through hostile behavior. Lynxes are most active at night, possessing a very good nocturnal vision. They can move fast and silently, which allows them to attack pray by surprise. They can jump up to 6 meters in any direction. Their hearing and smell are very sharp.
Lynxes are between 70 and 150 cm in length and weigh about 30 kg on average (although 50-55 kg individuals have also been recorded). Lynxes live for about 20 years. About 1200 – 1500 lynx individuals are estimated to live in Romania, which is approximately 15% of the entire European population of this species (except for Russia).
The lynx population in Romania has recently been decreasing, over a few decades, because of the shrinking of their natural habitat, and of the hunt, down to becoming an endangered species. This had made the lynx be declared a protected animal in Romania and a stabilization of their population has been noticed lately.
Come to Romania to discover this superb animal!